A new robot tech to ease up Scandinavian drink producers

Nomoq latest packaging innovation in pallet sizing to match customer needs – just in time for The Great Swedish Beer Festival

At NOMOQ, we're constantly striving to enhance our production capabilities, from the can designing process to the delivering of each can to our beloved customers. One area which we have been working on is adjusting our pallet sizing to suit everybody’s needs, including our clients in Scandinavia who operate with a larger pallet size compared to other European standards.  


Previously, some of our Scandinavian clients managed to adjust their de-palletising process to suit our differing pallet sizing, but this was not always possible for all the producers we work with. Therefore, we wanted to find a way to streamline the process making it smoother and safer for our beautiful cans. This is where our new high-tech robot comes in, with its ability to adapt to any European pallet size it will enhance the possibilities of our customers. We can now tailor our pallet sizing to any European countries' standards, including our customers in Scandinavia. Our new pallet sizing solution, designed to meet all pallet sizing standards including the Scandinavian, will ensure the safety of our cans and will simplify the de-palletising process for producers across Scandinavia.  


NOMOQ’s CEO Peter Stein tells us more about this exciting new high-tech robot

“We are thrilled to welcome the new high-tech robot to our site in Germany. This technology will open a whole new path of opportunity for NOMOQ in Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark. We have worked with incredible craft breweries across Scandinavia and wanted to find a way to make the process of delivering their cans as smooth as possible. 

“The high-tech robot ticks all the boxes and allows us to make sure every one of our customers is catered for. We have streamlined the process of pallet creation by having one high-tech robot do the full job, instead of different machines tailored to different sizing. 

“To officially launch our new offerings in the Scandinavian beverage market, we are excited to attend this year’s Great Swedish Beer Festival where we can meet the progressive brewers across Sweden and further afield and discuss all things beer, packaging, can designs and pallet sizing.” 

Our amazing customers in Scandinavia, including Dugges and Omnipollo in Sweden and Lervig in Norway, have shared their excitement about working with NOMOQ. They have praised the premium quality and appearance of our cans, and with the introduction of the new pallet sizing, the entire process has become even smoother. 


Mattias Davidsson at Omnipollo tells us more about his experience working with NOMOQ  

“We started working with NOMOQ in September 2023 and we have enjoyed the smooth process from design to samples and then to production. The quality, the final look, and the feel of NOMOQ’s products, create a sense of exclusivity.  

“Additionally, the new pallet sizing means we are now able to use the same pallet which will save us a lot of time in between our canning runs.”  

Mattias added a concrete example to his experience with us: “We had a design idea for a beer that would not be feasible with standard labels due to the format, it would not work on our label machine. We explored the idea of buying stickers and hand applying them but decided to go with NOMOQ since the whole can is able to be our canvas. 

“Omnipollo is out to change the perception of beer. We brew a plethora of styles to explore what beer has and can become. NOMOQ allows us to express ourselves in the artistic way that made Omnipollo the global brand it is today.”  


Magnus Dugge Engström at Dugges in Sweden has worked with NOMOQ since last Autumn  

“The new pallet size simplifies production and removes the need for special de-palletizing installations. NOMOQ’s printing helps us present our design better, giving customers a quality experience that reflects our brand.”   

To officially launch our new offering and meet with craft brewers from across the Scandinavian beverage market, the NOMOQ team are excited to attend this year's Great Swedish Beer Festival taking place on the 13-14 of September.   

The festival is an opportunity to celebrate the Swedish craft beer scene and will feature more than 450 craft breweries. Attendees will be able to speak with the people behind the brews, taste a variety of different types of beers and also meet with our wonderful NOMOQ team to talk about all things can design production.  

Erik Frithiof, The Great Swedish Beer Festival organiser is looking forward to welcoming NOMOQ to the festival

 “As a festival organiser it is always refreshing when partners like NOMOQ want to be a part of a beer community as  it is clear that NOMOQ’s team are really ‘a part of the gang’. They are doing something revolutionising and so are we, that is why we are such a perfect match.” 

Erik added: “In a cost conscious business like craft beer it is sometimes difficult to justify higher packaging costs, but it’s pretty obvious that printed cans do a lot to the products. We have used NOMOQ cans as white label cans for specific clients and customers are sending us pictures of the cans whenever they drink it, and it feels like it is sometimes more about the cans than the actual beer!” 

The NOMOQ team is very much looking forward to meeting craft brewers and attendees at this year’s Great Swedish Beer Festival, if you are there, please come and say hi, we look forward to seeing you!

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