Bierwerk Züri: fresh beer from the heart of Zürich

Three brewers started a brewery with three pillars in mind: quality, sustainability, and community. This is the birth of Bierwerk Züri.

"We wanted people to taste beer that usually only brewers can try."
This statement created the perfect foundation for any conversations we had for the rest of the day.
Three brewers decided to open their activity with quality, community, sustainability, and Zürich in mind. This then became the concept behind Bierwerk Züri, a brewery that made us feel at home since minute one.
Bierwerk has too main layers that compile an awesome story, but let's start from the beginning, when in 2021 Lidia, Valeria and Max decided to produce fresh beer in the heart of Zurich when they were still working on brewing hype beer in the UK.

Beer means quality and relationship

But they didn't have in mind a classic brewery, no, not that, they wanted people to have a unique experience. Fresh beer, brewed naturally, with the best ingredients and without ever touching any air before hitting the pint in the hands of the customers.
"For us brewing is a quality process" - it is Livia talking - "we look around for the best ingredients, we manage every process carefully, we respect yeast timings. We do all that around to our recipes to have a beer that we personally enjoy with a maniac attention to details and style".
"We know personally every farmer and every producer of our raw materials" - Lidia says - "we go visit them regularly and we establish with them a relationship that we plan to keep for many years".

Birth of the Bierwerk Tankbier Bar

That's why the first iteration of the concept was a Tankbier Bar in Europalee Zürich, a vibrant area in full active development. At the Tankbier Bar the beer is the freshest you could ever try because it comes directly from the tank: "This kind of beer is a hidden gem, a treasure." - still Lidia talking - "Usually only brewers can have it, before the canning. This beer is at the perfect temperature and poured directly from the vessel where it was brewed".
Starting something new in the traditional world of beer always brings with it a certain level of uncertainty, but people love the concept of Bierwerk, for the drinks, the food, the people, the vibes. In a few years the project which initially felt like a bit of a gamble, became a solid staple in the vibrant community gravitating around Europallee.

Bierwerk Brewery and Rampe

This brought the Bierwerk to open another brewery, this time a bit more traditional, as it produces beers packaged in cans but still keeps the freshness, sustainability and care for our local community as the main pillars of the hard work of the team.

Beers and Values

"And our cans are the example for our values" - still Lidia - "Cans are the best to keep beer fresh and balanced, they are recyclable and light in transportation, and they comfortably have the real estate to welcome our creativity on it".
And you can guess: Bierwerk cans are quite colourful and poppy: the one for Una Mas includes everything we talked about until now: with friends cheering with a fresh beer and the Zürich landscape in the background.

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